Anonymous - The Idea

Greetings, Anonymous

Anonymous is an idea that emerged in a specific internet environment using communication and interactions through a lot of satire and a lot of humor. It got started on 4chan, and also on 420chan and 711chan through anonymity and union. Anonymous' first “appearance” was a video made against Scientology (which has nothing to do with science); the cause gained respect and admiration. It grew because of the ease and practicality of this idea in the real world. Our motivation is to create more efficient means of information and with information that really matters for our paradigm shift. The key is to spread our ideas, to make all members aware of the system in which we live. For this we have: educators, teachers, professionals from different areas, all members who participate contribute with the knowledge they have. We are common people, of all ages and from different parts of Brazil and the world.

We have concrete reasons to wish a change from the retrograde paradigms that our society presents today. That doesn't mean we're going to fight for just one goal. We want to generate a series of positive transformations for humanity, we need everyone to build this new world: all colors, all origins, all differences. We want an honest debate with people who, like us, share this desire for change, but who do not occupy the positions of power that currently govern society. Anyone and everyone who carries this feeling is, by definition, Anonymous. Help us to achieve a real, legitimate and effective democracy. A country and a world for everyone, by everyone and for everyone. If you share these ideas and this feeling, you are part of Anonymous.

We are not a group. We are an idea of revolution in a corrupt world. We believe that each generation finds its way to fight the injustices it faces. We have in our hands for the first time the power to produce, distribute and exchange information quickly. An opportunity never seen before in history to collaborate and build a world where hope, dignity and justice are principles to be respected. We need everyone and we count on everyone. For a new world, where many worlds are possible, as many as their people, their cultures, their habits and customs.

For a better understanding, we will leave our video here explaining in a simple way the history and work plan of Anonymous.