The genesis of the national strike in Colombia

On April 28, 2021, a social movement in the city of Cali, located in southwestern Colombia, was born. The high levels of corruption and the creation of taxes to finance the COVID 19 pandemic generated criticism about the national government. The former Minister of Finance, Mr. Alberto Carrasquilla, is unaware of the social reality and the lack of encouragement to the country's peasants, as recorded in the interview with Vicky Dávila, journalist for Semana magazine (on April 18, 2021), a medium who has a high degree of credibility where the aforementioned minister makes the mistake of saying that a dozen eggs cost $1,800 pesos. Influencer Alejandro Riáño portrays this situation on his channel and other social networks, causing an abrupt awakening in the population.

A new demo generator

The strike, as Colombians call it daily, begins to have more records from different sectors that joined the fight for the injustices committed. Hence the concern: is Colombia really a scenario of war? Is Colombia a country that, in the midst of a pandemic, forces the population to accept a tax increase knowing that there is not enough income? While it is true that state officials do not know the value of the items in the family basket produced by Colombian agriculture, which has losses that have translated into millions of pesos due to the lack of state royalties to generate jobs. This is where the demonstration makes sense: turning your back on more than fifty million Colombians creates social unrest.

The international community still does not understand the growing risk of state policies. We can conclude so far that the act of violence was the "value" of an item consumed throughout the country. The political class has been linked to the creation of tax reforms that do not generate social welfare, recognized senators from the Democratic Center political party in the country conclude that it is necessary to collect the tax from the middle class, generating incompatibility between the scarce support of the government and the initiative to allocate resources to a single social class: the oligarchy.

The civil and police force that consequently generates the application of theories related to the legitimacy of exercising social protest as part of human rights, former senator Álvaro Uribe Vélez in his official Twitter account urges Colombian President Iván Duque Márquez to repress the population whistleblower using lethal force to regain control of Colombian sovereignty, which in his opinion is in danger. Statements comparing the Colombian state with Venezuela print a copy of social experiences from one state to another.

The well-known vandalism of public and private establishments is generated in what was expressed by Andrés López. A solution to domestic unrest, misinforming millions of fellow countrymen for no reason, this theory also includes a systematic manipulation of the sentimental or emotional behavior associated with the revolution as a sign of national insecurity.

The molecular revolution dissipated as a source of fascism

The far right uses the dissipated torture from the Molecular Revolution applied to the protesters, creating a fascism taken by the forces of order from the existing legitimacy without much scientific contribution in confirming the efficiency and effectiveness of these precepts, a theoretical mark of the stigma of the Dissipated Molecular Revolution, for the population marching as the enemy; the Colombian who does not support the actions of the ultra-right state is known as a traitor. More than 600 demonstrations across the country see the need for social transformation as an agent of change, including the Catholic Church which has called attention to ensuring respect for human rights. This statement is made by Monsignor of Cali, Darío Monsalve.

Police abuse in Colombia

In the last month, the behaviors carried out against protesters who claim their rights and are also heard by the central government were known on social networks. Colombia is one of the countries that contain in its constitution great guarantees regarding respect for human rights, but there are some doubts about the performance of the law enforcement in Cali, being the epicenter of the birth of unemployment. As incredulous as it may seem, the central and regional government has no intention of stopping the escalation of violence by stopping in sight of the wounded and dead.

It should be noted that there was no consensus to allow the IACHR to come in to investigate the continuing violation of human rights resulting from social protest. It is worrying to observe impunity in broad daylight, claiming the lives of both protesters and infiltrated members of the security forces murdered by absurd orders of the state.

Why is it so dangerous?

In Colombia, as stated above, protesters are known as vandals, terrorists, communists and socialists, encouraging those with opposing beliefs to initiate violence in order to protect the business community and belittle the civilian population due to their poverty levels. threat must be neutralized. Chile is a clear example of comparative law, as similarities could be foreseen given to the p or ATRON of criminal conduct in the country, Colombia is the second country in the world where collective rights are suppressed such as the right to protest, social, labor, and among others. Data analysis is a reliable source to build fascist strategies with paramilitary models that occurred in the democratic security program created by Álvaro Uribe Vélez in his first term to suppress any threat based on the political preference of citizens. The use of lethal and combat weapons constitutes the largest number of deaths in protests.

Finally, free will is still in effect and is the tool of the masses united with one purpose: to stop social instability.